Next time, use polygons, allow us to know what the character looks like and allow us to move as we want. Suggestions: There is zero replay value, simply because you can only look at pretty still pictures so many times. Sound: Some decent music, but nothing too stirring, just enoughto fit the game, but nothing more. They look good but can't truly be called great, because any console with a decent resolution can display a still image. Graphics: The graphics look amazing but are entirely pre rendered with animations here and there. I can only see this appealing to fans of the series. This approach means all the visuals can be constructed from pre-rendered environments, that are almost photo realistic in quality, sadly though, this didn't appeal to me, I prefer to move around as I want to. Myst is entirely played through by pointing a cursor and clicking, a few seconds later you appear where you clicked. Gameplay: Its a puzzle/adventure game, but not as you may expect. Overall: Myst is a puzzle game that packs some truly awesome visuals, but not really enough gameplay.
#Myst 3 xbox 360 Pc#
Suggestions: Don't make Myst for a console, leave it for the PC where it will be appreciated. Although there was a nice "tune" of the water, and some other nice natural effects in there. Sound: There wasn't much to say about the sound because it was mostly quiet. The only motion there is, is the movement when your doing a puzzle. But the pictures didn't really have motion (it was still), which drew off the reality quite a bit. Graphics: This game looked great! I mean there was immense detail which made it look great. However if this were a PC game it would've gotten a better score (4). Myst is not a console sort of game, with the xbox it gets annoying using the cursor for the whole game, and theres only 1 mode. Although the puzzles are challenging THIS GAME IS MEANT FOR PC! I mean who really wants to be controlling cursor with a controller, when you should do it with a mouse. Basically for the whole game your chasing this guy. Gameplay: The gameplay was pretty lame, and the story sucked to. I mean who wants to control a cursor with a controller? That is meant for the work of a mouse. Overall: This game is not meant for console. Real Myst seemed ok and all, but Exile is nicer. Suggestions: I'd like further Myst games for Xbox please. I wasn't really a big fan of Riven, but I think I'm hooked again, thanks to Exile. The surround sound is nice, and fits well with the rest of the engine improvements. Sound: The sound is great, as it always has been with this series.

I could tell that it was done in 3D Studio MAX though, even before I watched the bonus content on the disc. Graphics: Visually, it's better than the first two games, and does look great. I really appreciate a game like this, from time to time. Gameplay: Gameplay, while it might seem outdated to some, is familiar, yet improved. It's nice to have more of this sort of game, especially on Xbox for people who don't like PC gaming.