Hot women with big boobs
Hot women with big boobs

hot women with big boobs

hot women with big boobs

You can change residence, but you can’t change your gens – having both Polish parents, she cannot turn to be Dane in terms of gens, kind of beauty a.s.o. I’m not an expert here, but for my taste her face is rather typical for a Pole, not a Dane. All (or almost all) tennis celebrities are actually international, living in MC, Dubai, Florida a.s.o.īut the post was about “sexy/hot female tennis players, not about their citizenship or ethnicity, right?).

hot women with big boobs

At the same time she can speak fluently (perfectly is another thing – most of X-natives don’t speak perfectly their native language) Danish and maybe English (given she had/has residencies in Monte Carlo, Fisher Island and New York – like so many tennis celebrities). Polish as a real native language, because wherever she was born, she has Polish parents and probably the home language is still Polish. I guess, Karolina is maybe now someone having kind of 2 native languages. If you are “Pole in Danmark” (which is miles away of defining you as a Pole or as a Dane), I may guess you are long enough in Danmark to have learned Danish and be able to evaluate how good Danish of other persons is, but not long enough to forget Polish (which is your native language, I guess) so you are no more the right person to tell, who is speaking well Polish.


I've excluded all Instagram THOT's that have ‘professional tennis player' in their bio but play once a week and are not actually on the professional tour. Just two: female and currently playing on the WTA Tour. What Were The Qualifiers To Be On The List? So I tried to pick some of the less obvious ones that fly under the radar and aren't massively editing their pictures with filters or posing half-naked in virtually every picture. That's why you get 3 out of 10's racking up thousands of likes on Instagram. In 2022 virtually any woman can look top drawer with a few simple lighting tricks and photo editing skills. Yes I know I've picked Wozniacki and Bouchard, they're not my favourites but they've got broad appeal so for that reason they make the list. The other reason this list differs is that I'm picking players that I think are naturally attractive and not just looking fantastic on the cover of Sports Illustrated. She hasn't played tennis for 15 years! My list is current players who are playing on the tour right now and I've picked some obscure ones out that most lists miss.

hot women with big boobs

The web is awash with lists like this but they're all just rehashed versions with very little effort put into them.įor example, Anna Kournikova is the top of virtually every list. Why Is This List Better Than The Other Sexy Female Tennis Player Lists? Since the dawn of time, it's been beneficial for women to look as good as possible. The only people who don't really like posts like this don't live in the real world. All these women make a good chunk of their living by looking good in photo shoots and brand endorsements. Are Posts Like This Sexist and Objectifying Women? The nature of tennis training also means the girls are all going to be in great shape as you need a mix of cardio and strength training to achieve success on the tour. As a result, even the bang average ones still look pretty good as they put the effort in! My own theory is that these places are yet to be conquered by modern-day feminism so rather than loudmouthed swamp donkeys that don't shave their armpits, you tend to get girls who realise there's huge value in looking beautiful both in terms of attracting men and their careers. One of the big reasons female tennis players are hot is that tennis is hugely popular in Eastern Europe where, on average, women tend to be of a higher standard than Western Women. 6.5 Maria Sharapova Why Are Women's Tennis Players So Hot?

Hot women with big boobs